Domain Pricing
Ext Register Transfer Renew Order
.COM $10.53/year $10.53 $10.53 Find Domain
.NET $11.65/year $49.95 $11.65 Find Domain
.ORG $12.27/year $12.16 $12.27 Find Domain
.ME $12.99/year $24.95 $24.95 Find Domain

Domain FAQ
How can I find out if the domain name is still available?
We provide a domain name search engine that can instantly tell you whether or not the name is available. If a domain name is available, you will be given the option to register it. To check if a domain name is available click here.
What does it mean to "register" a domain name?
When you register a domain name, you are inserting an entry into a directory of all the domain names and their corresponding computers on the Internet.
What is the DNS?
The DNS (Domain Name System) is the largest digital database in the world, which holds the domain name information of every site in the world. This database is split up over thousands of individual web servers known as "Name Servers" that maintain the integrity and continuity of the internet.
What is a Domain Registrar?
Domain name registrars are companies that are authorized to sell domain names to the public. Domain name registrars usually sell domain names at competitive pricing, which keeps the price of domains relatively the same regardless of which registrar you choose to buy from.